The Wave of Light. Nik Koudriashov.

Chapter. What Is Body Wave

Continuous Life Motion

In 2002 the Wave Motion System was recommended for practice by the direction of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.
Life energy of a man directly influences on his destiny. A man of great life energy manages to do and to see much …The wave of light – that is how I name a human body – can help to widen the horizon of learning the world.
Initially a man has got an enormous amount of energy. There are such resources in him and exactly in his body about which he doesn’t even suspect.
Sometimes these resources remain undiscovered at all.
How can we get the access to these powerful resources? How can we use them to become more successful?
In this book I will tell you how to discover your inside resources, how to make your life happier. Moreover you’ll see that you can do it by practicing simple exercises.
Why do I talk about it this way?
Why am I sure of success?
I’ve got serious basis to make such statements.
In details? Welcome!
Life is continuous motion.
Even while we are standing or sleeping we are still moving.
Because we breathe, our heart and brain work, metabolic process goes on.
Besides, we move together with our mother-planet. I mean that we move around its axis. We move around the Sun and also around the center of the Universe. All this forms of motion can influence on us.
And all these forms of motion are our reserves of energy.
Any failure in right motion can block the access to these reserves of energy. That is what usually happens to an unlucky man. He usually moves in such way which attracts only troubles. Do you know such people?
But there are also many lucky people around us. They move another way.
This lucky motion is what I’m going to tell you about!
Let’s start.
So we always move.
Do you agree with me?
If not than you should know that my statements about life and motion are considered to be the truth among scientists.
Though, what can be the truth in our such beloved but so changeable world? What?
What else can be added to this statement and these words? What else can be added to this statement and these words to make our sense of permanently evanescing truth complete? That is the experience in progress?
For example, we can refer to that the truth even so changeable is as always somewhere nearby. The truth surrounds us. The truth is at arm’s length.
And a permanent motion that is permanent striving to success is as always somewhere nearby too. It’s in progress while we are sleeping or breathing.
Yes, they are profound conclusions. The thought is too profound in them.
But may be we will go another, easier way?
What way?
For example, we can ask reputable people about what is continuous motion. We can also ask about that area which is connected with continuous thought about motion.
It is a serious thought, isn’t it?
Yes, of course, such answer will change our understanding of surrounding world much.
But it will be much better to choose the very different way.
In my opinion, it will be much better to learn uncommon characteristics of continuous flexible motion which is the most natural and the most harmonious one of all the motions in the world.
It’s much more interesting, I think.
In this level new horizons are open including horizons of questions. We see such horizons which take our breath away, especially because of the questions.
How do you think what new we can tell about motion, I mean uncommon characteristics of motion? In fact everything in the world is as old as time. The age of the Earth is more than 4 milliards years. It means that the age of world’s motion is the same.
My opinion is clear – we can tell and we must tell about the most harmonious, natural, continuous and flexible way of motion on the planet Earth.
We must tell about what new is there in all world’s body practices – tell about wonderful, even miraculous and phenomenal wave characteristic of motion.
This is what I devote my new book. It’s in your hands or at arm’s length!
All the processes of material world have a wave nature.
Scientists state that all the processes of material world have continuous and flexible kind of changes. That is they have a wave nature.
Next postulate.
Wave is the part of spiral. It is the projection component of spiral. Wave and spiral are integral developments. They are almost nonseparable!
Spirals and waves are everywhere. Believe me and scientists.
There are some examples which confirm what I said.
All the planets and Universes are spinned into spirals. This is from one point of view.
But what a scale!
Especially a scale of my mind!
There is no frivolity.
Let’s go on.
All the molecules of DNA are spinned into spirals. This is from another point of view. Nanoworld is spiry and energetic!
Atmospheric air-eddy – cyclones and anticyclones – are wave processes too.
Water is falling down spirally – men know about it, women can’t see.
Fish’s motion, snake’s wriggle, Gnostic symbol of the self are the examples of an eternal show of the wave rules. Gnosis means knowledge including of what I said.
Let’s have a look at this from another point of view.
If there is no motion I mean continuous flexible motion which I name wave motion then any living organism begins first to damage then slowly to die.
A human being is not an exception.
But is it necessary for a man to stop and … you understand what I Mean, as they say and nobody will be wiser?
To my mind a man has got what to do in the material world. How long will unlearnt wait to be learnt? It’s not a time to think about faraway. It’s better to think about what is at arm’s length.
The study of a continuous and a flexible motion that is the motion of waves and vibrations is the shortest way to experience, life, and harmony with the world.
The shortest way?
Let’s stop.
But only for a moment.
For us to understand … .
Aha, take a thought?
Indeed, a lot of additional and tricky questions have appeared at the moment.
If continuous flexible motion which I name a wave motion is natural and easy so why do we move incorrectly, unnatural?
Why do I tell about it?
Then, man’s motion and natural wave motions are not the same?
But what is the same then?
What is the same between human and natural?
May be the wave of changes is?
Then what is the very wave of changes?
What characteristics has this wave of changes got?
What healthful energy is in this wave from the point of nature’s and human’s view? How can we use the power of a continuous and a flexible motion that is wave motion to cure? How can we use this power in common life, in cooperation, in business or in martial arts?
These questions and many others are answered in my books which are about the features of the wave:
“The healthful motion. Spring-loaded power”, “The healthful power of vibrations”, “The magic of fighting. The secrets of the hyperborey’s martial arts.”
Now I give information in brief for you can understand the core of the phenomena.
It has been my experience that any man can recover his health if it’s necessary and moreover he doesn’t need any medicine to do this. He needs only to practice the wave motion system.
But first he needs to get the feel of it.
He needs to catch the main point of this way of motion which is pronounced and studied on scientific base.
Or he needs to recall the truth.

The example from life. Pain in joints.

Once my friend complained on pains in his joints and his neck.
Medicine and manipulation treatment didn’t make any effect. Doctors couldn’t help him.
It happens sometimes you know.
Later the pain became unbearable and he didn’t know what to do. He heard of the effect of my Wave motion system through my friends. He was told that partially paralyzed people are ready to make a headstand in 40 minutes of my class and they forget about immobility. People who were frozen in the shape of a question mark because of radiculitis they easily unbend. Habitual pain in body, bones, muscles have gone after performing a set of wave exercises.
My friend asked me to help him. I showed an easy exercise and asked him to do it during 5-10 minutes.
He asked what he should have done. I told him bend his knees and then put his body weight from hills to forefoot and backwards. At the same time he synchronously moved his shoulders and hands to and fro. That was the exercise I asked him to do.
Later he did that exercise quite well. He smoothly put his body weight from hills to forefoot and backward. He smoothly moved shoulders and hands.
And what?
The thoracic and cervical spines were greatly recovered. The muscles which held the spines became strong and elastic. The pain disappeared. He stopped and looked at me in surprise.
I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him back in surprise.
Everything seemed to me clear. The wave of motion had worked.
But did it seem clear to him?
I used this natural feature for a long time. I saw such miracle many times.
He saw such miracle the first time and that miracle happened to him.]
But he saw it.
Try it. And you will see the miracle too.

The exercise ‘the wave in shoulders’.

Put legs shoulder-width apart, bend knees. Put your body weight from hills to forefoot and backwards. At the same time you should synchronously move your shoulders and hands to and fro. That is when body weight is on hills you should move your shoulders and hands forward and vice versa. Don’t pause.
The motion of shoulders and hands follow the motion of feet-this is the act of wave. We should place our bets on this act! After some time you will do by sight such an easy exercise quite well. That is you will fluently shift your body weigh from hills to forefeet and backwards and move in shoulders’ area and accompany your motion with hands.
After more time you will feel improvement in your health.
The wave in shoulders do miracle.
Is such miracle possible? What do you think?
It’s surely possible if we understand how wave acts in nature and, especially, in human being.
I should say that the wave acts more towards a human being than, for example, towards inorganic matters and bodies.
Man’s body can’t move all at once, wholly.
There are inertia laws in man’s body: for example, ‘muscle inertia’, ‘muscle motion inertia’. If you do this exercise rapidly then your shoulders and head motion will be slower than your feet motion.
A global motion slowdown is when upper part of a body follows and lower part of one. I call it a continuous flexible natural motion and then the wave of body alterations.
From this moment I’m very interested in some phenomena which accompany this motion.

Healthful features of the wave.

I have worked out a whole system of recovery and cure.
Why is it necessary?
You can do anything you want on the wave, I mean on its top which bears ‘the print of open space’. Many people know about it.
‘The wave of happiness’ – this is how I call it. It helps any dreams to come true.
My God, how I love this wave of happiness.
And the wave of happiness loves me.
And you?
Recollect your feelings when you are on the wave of happiness.
It’s a great feeling, isn’t it? If you only recollect it you smile. Recollect it in business, live, fighting. Many things become easier when you are on the wave, aren’t you?
We can study the rules of happy wave rise, believe me! And we can use these rules when it’s necessary.
But the life is not as easy as we wish. The wave has not only a happy part but also a sad one. And these two parts are tied into the bundle of life changes. These changes are not the same as they are when pupils change activity after classes and run free in the hall of school.
The second part of the wave exists that is wave’s fall. It’s necessary to know about this and accept this. What else can we do? Eh?
We’ve got the question.
The question needs an answer.
The truth surrounds us. The wave fall is as necessary as the wave rise.
Why should we need the wave fall?
I answer.
The wave fall is very useful especially for those who know about the fall and who is warned and know about its features.
Why is the wave fall necessary?
The wave fall helps you to find out all the defects of any process.
Do you remember about people who attract troubles? When they move they usually use only the wave fall. They find out all the defects in the space. That’s why they are unlucky. This is their destiny.
So. The wave fall finds out all the defects of the world around you.
In any area.
Any quality.
Any level.
This is a useful feature of the wave. This is a very useful feature of the wave.
We should know about it.
We should use it.
This is the only way.
Let’s come to some halfway conclusions.
When we are on the top of the wave we can some thing which we can’t do on the fall of the wave. When we are on the fall of the wave we can find out the things which we can’t find while we are on the top. Who things about details while he is on the top of the happy wave which carries to success and our breath is taken away? Who looks backwards in this situation? Only few of us do it.
Most of us look forward in this situation.
And we all know about it.
But we usually don’t use this knowledge.
What to do?
Is there a way out of?
There is the way out of this situation.
And I don’t hide it.
I can use this knowledge and I teach you if you want. But you should make some efforts to learn them. My way of usage of the wave has its positive and negative.
This is the rule of the wave.
What kind of negative and positive is?
I said that the wave is everywhere.
You can ask what kind of negative and positive everywhere is.
I start from negative.
When you find out a man who is on the fall of the wave and attracts only troubles you can try to keep some distance and try not to do his mistakes. We can learn win and not lose. We can build up the failure immunity and winner’s skill.
There is much better to study under the winner.
This moment belongs to positive.
This is the way most clever people do.
They study under people who work with them. That is they learn skills.
This is the way which different schools are created.
They say “school of such-and-such man”.
When we divide the wave into fall and rise we should study to recognize them around us, recognize their details in people’s behavior.
There is a technique to do this.
And I don’t hide it.
For example, it’s necessary to clear up your mind before watching and using the rules of the wave. We should clear up our mind and only then we will understand what a natural continuous flexible motion is I mean what a wave motion is.
And the most important is to practice this motion, “to recollect” it. I say “recollect” because, to my mind, human body knew it but “has forgotten” a little. Just a little.
I’m usually asked: when body knew about continuous flexible motion that is the wave motion and when body forgot about it.
As you see we should know about it as well.
And I don’t hide my knowledge again.
That’s why I’ll be given more powerful experience than I’ve got before.
Ancient wise papers say it. Share what you’ve got and you’ll get much more. I don’t need much more. I need a little but exactly what I need.
Generally “I accept the medal”.
Achievements are not always mine.
You ask: whose?
My body’s ones are.
Body always knew and knows about everything it needs. It knows much more than we can imagine. Sometimes my body acts more effectively than any my plan does. The main thing is not to prevent body’s work. Your body works when you are under stress.
I analyzed how my body moved under stress. I’ve come to conclusion that if my body didn’t do some motions I could have been hurt. I couldn’t escape traumas only thanks to my mind.
Body knows much.
We forgot about knowledge ourselves.
It’s necessary to understand this.
If we understood then we must take some steps and recover lost knowledge.
Recover forever!
This is why the first exercise is.
What do I mean?
Look at how you fix your body weigh on hills and forefeet when you start moving in this simple exercise.
You see that your motions are uncertain. You can feel unnecessary straining even vibrations of muscles; you can lose your balance or sharply swing your arms.
Practice this exercise 2-3 minutes.
You’ll see that you do this exercise quite well in some time. When you train a motion you master this motion.
Someone forgets the main, someone recollects.
I offer to recollect.
The student O. who studied in Glenn Doman’s school.
Once I was visited by O. who lives in Germany now and studies kids’ treatment techniques. She is a student of well-known doctor Glenn Doman from USA.
The woman was seriously interested in my wave motion system! Her interest in my system was very pleasant for me.
Glenn Doman brought up some Nobel laureates. His methods of human development from babyhood are almost perfect.

New opinion on man’s disease.
When you start to get wise to the wave motion you will start to get wise to many things which haven’t confused you before. Your view of life will differ from other people’s one. At least I do this way. There is another interesting aspect of my wave motion system.
All the defections of body motion are judged by new way in the wave motion system.
Which way exactly?
Be careful!
In my wave motion system all defections of body motion are sources of energy.