Our body is a peculiar computer.

We are not used to frequent meetings with a person controlling himself so masterly. Being benevolent in appearance and always with a smile he can transform into a real monster in the twinkling of an eye if needed. And then even the strongest rival won’t get the better of him. Nickolay Kudryashov is an instructor of an ancient Hyperboreans’ martial art, the “Topot” system, also known as a vibrational fight.

Hyperborea is something very distant. Some semi-mythical personages,
populating an ancient continent that has been submerged – who are they, how
are they related to us and how did we manage to get their knowledge ?
Hyperborea used to be the Northern original motherland of the mankind. This is where the very foundations of the human race have been laid. We have managed to reach this knowledge collecting elements from different ancient and often hard to reach sources then bringing them together like the pieces of some jigsaw. And the most important thing is that anyone can feel the genetic memory of the Hyperboreans in his own body. When the climate of the Earth changed, the Northern continent where the Hyperboreans lived found itself below the water and people settled at other different places. Many of them started to live at present East European territory and have become the ancient Slavs’ ancestors. One of the most important settlements was Saint-Petersburg. The Slavonic myths as well as the Slavonic martial art present the heritage of this ancient civilization to a great extent. Many people feel the movements practised in the Hyperborean martial art as something very familiar to them, vernacular. This is how the genetic memory works.
Having awakened this genetic memory we adjoin the ancient knowledge of the Hyperboreans, who knew much more about the world than we do. They realised that being a microcosm the human body reflects the whole of the Universe and cognizing oneself you are cognizing the whole world and learn to apprehend the laws of nature and the world in general.
What is the vibrational fight?
Vibration is a natural quality of an ogranism giving it an opportunity to overstep the limits and reach a new level of energy use. This is not anything new but a widely spread phenomenon: tap-dance in folk dancing or step dancing use these very fast and practically not controlled by the consciousness kicks of the feet at the ground – these are nothing but a kind of vibration. Vibrations are used in the Hyperborean system to transfer the body in the expanse and to strike a blow at extremely high speed. It is possible to strike from 5 to 12 blows per second. Such speed makes it impossible for the rival to follow all the movements of the fighter and especially to react them – so the fighter becomes practically invisible for his rival. More than that, the brain begins to work at very high “speeds” being
synchronized with the body, the fact that gives the fighter an opportunity to read the movement programme directly from the rival’s brain and divine his actions and intentions.
That sounds fantastic and absolutely unachievable for an average person.
You have to practise for years to achieve this, of course. But there’s a potential for this in every human being. Even a delicate girl whose muscles are not built enough can get the better of several strong men with bulging muscles, after having practised for a while the system “Topot”. The reason is that our body is a peculiar computer, having been loaded with the programme of the undulatory world structure, possessing a particle of the Spirit of the Universe.
Who needs this ancient martial art, Nickolay ? Aren’t there quite enough traditional ones – karate, savat, kickboxing, fighting without any regula-
tions …?
I’ve run into the same predictable situation for many years I’ve been in single combat fighting: the majority of people starting their career in martial arts being healthy end up with serious health problems from somatic to mental. Martial art is a prestigious but causing much traumas kind of sport, its distinctive features beeing physical and mental loads and stresses trying the human’s abilities to the utmost. Apart from this martial arts always deal with aggression, which inevitably has some certain destructive effects upon the body that reveals it. It doesn’t show immediately, but in some 10 or 20 years. So the sportsman may not have a faintest idea that his health problems result mainly from his habit of many years of expressing aggression, more than anything else.
So all the martial arts that are so popular with the people do not contribute to the person’s state of health. While the first principle of the ancient Hyperboreans’ martial art reads: if a martial art doesn’t accept health of those who practice it to be one of its intervening goals, this system is not perfect.
And how do you manage to strike such heavy blows without any aggression, not involving all of your strength and withstand the blows that are not less
heavy ?
No aggression, no efforts and no negative reaction are needed for it in the Hyperboreans fighting system because the fighter uses the power of the surrounding world and not his own one. What kind of power is it? These are insufficiently explored physical processes of the surrounding world corresponding to the undulatory energetic structure of our world. Any person can feel this undulatory world structure with his own body.
The Hyperborean martial art is based on the body wave principle. When the body is involved into the correct undulatory movement it acquires considerable power without flexing any muscles. The man following this undulatory movement looks beautiful besides possessing enormous power.
Being correctly delivered the blow though a heavy one doesn’t hurt. More than that, the person would turn a somersault, rebound, having experienced such a blow, the very body of his showing health and beauty. An ideal blow in the vibrational fight has an improving effect on the health. Instead of traumatising it enables the person to reach his individual ideal correlation of all his inner organs as well as organism as a whole. This reflects the point of the evolutionary blow — not defeating the opponent, but inserting him into a proper structure of interaction with the world. Thus practising the Hyperboreans’ martial art leads to continuous transformation of a person.
Do you mean this leads to the steady improvement in the person’s health?
No doubt it does, since he joins the natural rhythms inside as well as outside. Any illness means nothing but the result of the person’s violating the natural laws.
It is not so common that the supreme spiritual knowledge has something to do with taking care of the body. Too many people in search for spiritual perfection absolutely ignore this.
I wonder how the Spirit can manifest itself in the material world if not by means of the body? While the Universe can’t be manifested in the body that is not harmonious.
The majority of people don’t have a faintest idea of necessity of letting the Universe manifest itself through themselves.
If you haven’t ever been deep in thought about what mysteries the Universe preserve, what have you been doing so far wasting all of your time?